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Big 7 Events & Showcases

There's a new music revolution sweeping the world...

Enough Events & Showcases To Incite An Actual Revolution -

Of The Music Kind

At the core of The New Music Revolution will be our Big 7 - which are 7 major events and 7 music showcases - providing opportunities galore for bands & artists to get noticed and make money while doing music, and for fans to vote for the top 100.


Our initial launch is coming Summer 2020, and will feature:

Music Event #1:

The Music Revolution Top 100


Music Showcase #1:

Indie Touring All Star Revolution


Big 7 Events & Showcases - 3 Steps To Rev

Big 7 Music Events

Big 7 Music Showcases

The Music Revolution
Top 100 Event

Bands V - Music Revolution - Van Lady Lo

The Music Revolution On Tour / Top 10 Tour

Music Revolution -  Festival crowd-girl

Music Revolutionary Songwriting Contest

Double Capo Guild- ACMF mystery player (

College Music


Music Revolution - Big 7 College Music R

The Music Revolutionary Awards

The Music Revolutionary Awards Are Comin

Heart Of America
Music Festival

Florida Music Festival 1.jpg

Attack On The Venue

Music Revolution - Attack On The Venue M
Bands C - Music Revolution - Coral Bones

The Music Revolution
Top 100 Showcase

Bands D - Music Revolution - Dream Theat

Indie Touring All Stars Revolution

Ellis Paul and Don Conoscenti - Kerville

Indie Music All Stars Revolution

Artist D - Music Revolution - Jayme Dee

Featured & Emerging
Bands & Artists 

Dan Fogelberg Souvenirs.jpg

Majorly Independents 

Artist L - Music Revolution - Adam Lambe

Voice, Idol, Xfact,
Talent - Revolution

Music Revolution - Venue - Local Regiona

Local / Regional All
Star Revolution

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